Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Surprised by Motherhood - by Lisa-Jo Baker

Lisa-Jo Baker writes with words taken straight from my heart.  Some of the emotions I didn't realize I felt until I read them on her pages and others I have thought but could never have written so beautifully.
Our stories are quite different.  When I first read that she never wanted children or had the desire to be a mom, I thought I might not be able to relate to this book.  I've always dreamed of being a mother as long as I can remember.  But whether you have played mommy since preschool or having children was the farthest from your mind-- entering motherhood rocks your world.  You can never prepare for it whether it was planned or not.

"Becoming a parent is a lot like breaking up with yourself... Children arrive and blow through what used to be your routine... The old you is left in the wake of washing out bottles and warming milk and walking five hundred miles of carpet."

More than just motherhood, Lisa-Jo spoke into areas of my life where God has been teaching and growing me.  She shares of her moves around the world and her discoveries about what true faith in God means; the pain of losing her mother and the beauty she experienced as she became a mother to her daughter.

"And what makes me happy is not necessarily what draws me closer to the God who knows my every nook and cranny.  It turns out He loves me enough to say no when, as every parent understands, saying yes would have been so much simpler, with less call for temper tantrums."

Lisa-Jo Baker's book has challenged me to breathe in the beautiful life God has for me- soaking in my children and taking notice of the unique gifts God has placed in their little hearts.  I loved her authentic writing, sharing the imperfect and the messy. 

She is an encourager.  Rallying around us moms.  Simply sharing her story, God's story.  Our stories are so different, yet exactly the same.  I'm thankful I spent precious nap-times reading Surprised by Motherhood and I think you will be too.  :)

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

(Check out her website {here} for free chapters & printables!)

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